STORM’s new academic year promises to bring lots of exciting events.
First, we will have our usual roster of star scientists presenting their latest research. We plan to have monthly meetings and are thrilled to announce that the following friends have agreed to visit us:
- John Amis (Edinburgh), March 22nd
- Stine Grodal (Boston U.), date TBC
- Martina Montauti (IE), October 25th
- Tim Rowley (Toronto), January 9th
- Tal Simons (Tilburg), April 26th
- Gionanni Valentini (IESE), February 15th
- and others to be confirmed.
We will be the proud co-sponsor of a series of talks on ethnography, organized by Ruthanne Huising. The Qualitative Research Seminar Series includes talks by:
- Beth Bechky (NYU), December 14th
- Jon Hindmarsh (King’s College), January 25th
- Sarah Kaplan (Toronto), October 19th
- Sean Safford (Sciences Po), November 9th.
We will also hold monthly paper development workshops. These workshops are called LSR2 (for “Let’s STORM reviewer 2”), which nicely captures their goal. LSR2 sees STORM members discuss a paper under review to help its authors address reviewers’ demands.
We are also considering organizing a mini-conference, but more on this in due time.
Stay tuned by entering your email address in the subscription box found on our home page.