Thursday 4 May: Emanuele Bettinazzi (USI Lugano)

How do categories influence target selection in corporate acquisitions? About the Research In the M&A market, the risk of adverse selection is an essential concern for prospective acquirers when they perceive a potential target to display high levels of...

Thursday 13 April: Elisa Operti (ESSEC)

Taking on the Mob: How Multinational Enterprises Navigate Institutional Uncertainty in Organized Crime Hotspots (2000-2015) About the Research Government actions against organized crime may improve institutional quality or further damage an already weak institutional...

Thursday 17 November: Shaz Ansari (Cambridge University)

Navigating nascent platform legitimacy: A framework for the dynamic deployment of framing strategies. About the Research We examine how firms sponsoring nascent platforms use framing strategies gain legitimacy with target audiences that are not just heterogeneous but...