16 May 2019: NOAH ASKIN (INSEAD)
Is There a Gender Gap in the Novelty of Creative Products? Evidence From the Global Music Industry, 1955–2000
11 April 2019: FREDERIC GODART (HEC)
Mobility Networks and Institutional Change: How Parisian Haute Couture Moved into Ready-to-Wear, 1945-1973
11 March 2019: ERIC ZHAO (Indiana U.)
Optimal Distinctiveness in CSR Practices: Examining the CSR Profile Extensiveness and Deviation among Chinese Publicly Listed Companies
Gender Differences in Reapplication after Rejection and Women’s Representation in Talent Pipelines
Post-doctoral position
Come work with us for one or two years as a funded post-doc during academic years of 2019-2020 and 2020-2021.