Neoliberal governance, evaluations, and the rise of win–win ideology in corporate responsibility discourse, 1960–2010
By Christof Brandtner and Patricia Bromley, Socio-Economic Review, first published 22 July 2021.
By Christof Brandtner and Patricia Bromley, Socio-Economic Review, first published 22 July 2021.
By Ruthanne Huising, and Susan S. Silbey, Regulation & Governance, first published 08 July 2021.
By Bernard Forgues, Organization Studies, first published 28 May 2021.
By Addis Gedefaw Birhanu, PhilippGeiler, LucRenneboog, and YangZhao, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, first published 11 May 2021.
By Balázs Kovács, Gianluca Carnabuci, and Filippo Carlo Wezel, 2021, Strategic Management Journal, 42(5): 992–1023.
By Heloise Agreli, Ruthanne Huising, and Marina Peduzzi, BMJ Leader, first published 28 April 2021.