The (COVID-19) pandemic and the new world (dis)order
By Michael A. Hitt, R. Michael Holmes Jr., and Jean-Luc Arregle, Journal of World Business, first published 6 March 2021.
By Michael A. Hitt, R. Michael Holmes Jr., and Jean-Luc Arregle, Journal of World Business, first published 6 March 2021.
By Frédéric Dufays, Noreen O’Shea, Benjamin Huybrechts, Work, Employment and Society, 34, no. 6 (December 2020): 965–84.
By Filippo Carlo Wezel and Martin Ruef, Strategy Science, first published 18 November, 2020.
Thinley Tharchen, Raghu Garud & Rebecca L. Henn, Journal of Organization Design, 9, 21 (2020).
By Michael A. Hitt,Jean-Luc Arregle, and R. Michael Holmes Jr., Journal of Management Studies, first published 04 October 2020.
Pascual Berrone, Patricio Duran, Luis Gómez-Mejía, Pursey P M A R Heugens, Tatiana Kostova & Marc van Essen, Journal of International Business Studies, first published 24 September 2020.