Thursday 13 March: Hyejun Kim (HEC)
Add to Calendar Apple Google Office 365 Outlook Yahoo Knitting Community: Human and Social Capital in...
Thursday 9 January: Romain Boulongne (IESE)
Embedded in unrest: The paradox of embeddedness in the wake of nascent social movements About the Research...
Thursday 7 November: Patrick Haack (UNIL)
Unveiling Propriety, Validity, and Consensus: A multilevel examination of legitimacy following the Global...
Thursday 10 October: Yuliya Snihur (IESE)
Unlocking social impact at scale: The power of entrepreneurial framing About the Research We study how a...
Tuesday (Not Thursday!) 25 June: Yuan LI (Saint Mary’s College of California)
From latency to salience to knotting: A dynamic disequilibrium model of paradox management About the...
Thursday 13 June: Anne-Claire Pache (ESSEC)
Orchestrating multiple actors for social innovation: the role of common grounding About the Research...
Thursday 16 May: Mario Amore (HEC Paris)
Time tells: Unraveling the temporal and risk dynamics of venture capitalists About the Research Access...
Thursday 14 March: Saverio Favaron (SKEMA)
The experts and the crowd: The interplay between qualified rankings and consumer ratings About the...
Post-doctoral position, 2024-2026
Come work with us for one or two years as a funded post-doc during academic years of 2024-2025 and 2025-2026.
Thursday 15 February: Francesco Castellaneta (SKEMA)
Hybrid entrepreneurship and wage dynamics About the Research Using matched employer-employee data from...
Thursday 11 January: Anders Krabbe (King’s College)
From Revolution to Revenue Stream: How Corporate Targets Co-opt Social Movement Attacks About the...
Monday 18 December: Fabien Accominotti (UW-Madison)
Meritocratically Unequal: How the Reification of Merit Hierarchies Fuels Inequality About the Research...
Tuesday 5 December: Olenka Kacperczyk (LBS)
STORM & The Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research Center Proudly Present: Gender Gap in Startup...
Thursday 9 November: Farah Kodeih (IESEG)
Building collective resilience in times of rising authoritarianism: Civil society organizations in Orbán’s...
Thursday 12 October: Ilze Kivleniece (INSEAD)
Leviathan as a client: Public vs private contracting of desalination technologies to address water scarcity...
Tuesday 30 May: Elisabeth Clemens (U. of Chicago)
STORM & The Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research Center Proudly Present: Beyond efficiency and...
Thursday 4 May: Emanuele Bettinazzi (USI Lugano)
How do categories influence target selection in corporate acquisitions? About the Research In the M&A...
Thursday 13 April: Elisa Operti (ESSEC)
Taking on the Mob: How Multinational Enterprises Navigate Institutional Uncertainty in Organized Crime...
Thursday 9 February: Brayden King (Northwestern University)
Environmental Protests, Shareholder Activism, and the Struggle for Corporate Autonomy. About the Research...
Thursday 12 January: Madeline Toubiana (University of Ottawa)
Sexy work not sex work: Craft creation as a mechanism of destigmatization. About the Research Workers in...
Thursday 15 December: Marjo Siltaoja (University of Jyväskylä)
What counts in moral markets: Categorical salience and moral evaluation in German carsharing markets. About...
Thursday 17 November: Shaz Ansari (Cambridge University)
Navigating nascent platform legitimacy: A framework for the dynamic deployment of framing strategies. About...
Thursday 20 October: Maxim Voronov (York University, Canada)
When work is everything: Coping with institutionalized perfectionism About the Research Perfectionism is...
Thursday 16 June: Dror Etzion (McGill University)
Generative research for addressing societal grand challenges: The case of the PIVOT project About the Research...