Bernard Forgues
Hello world. I’m a professor of organization theory here at emlyon, and I’m also the head of STORM, the research center in strategy and organization. My current research interests are mostly around materiality and institutions or, to put it differently, how technology impacts organizations, at a macro level. My research has appeared in the Academy of Management Journal, Human Resource Management, M@n@gement, Organization Science, Organization Studies, Socio-Economic Review, Strategic Organization, and other outlets.
After my PhD at Paris-Dauphine, I held positions at various French public universities and visiting positions at the Wharton School, CNRS, Copenhagen Business School and HEC Montréal. I’m a former Chair of EGOS. I am also a Senior Editor for Organization Studies and an Editorial Board member for Strategic Organization. I like books, jokes, Burgundy wines, being surrounded by smart people, music, and everything you can attach the adjective “Mediterranean” to.