Papers we have published since STORM has been launched (most recent on top).
Family business and international business: Breaking silos and establishing a rigorous way forward.
By Jean-Luc Arregle , Andrea Calabrò, Michael A. Hitt, Liena Kano, and Christian Schwens in Journal of World Business. Published April, 2024.
Cambridge Handbook of Strategy as Practice, Third Edition
By Damon Golsorkhi, Linda Rouleau, David Seidl, and Eero Vaara in Cambridge Handbook of Strategy as Practice, Third Edition. Cambridge University Press. Published January, 2025.
Less is More: Digital and Physical Sustainability Shortage Impact on Entrepreneurial Intention
By Ludovico Bullini Orlandi, Marco Bottura, Eleonora Veglianti, and Alessandro Zardini in International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal. Published December 13, 2024.
Territoriality and the Emergence of Norms During the COVID-19 Pandemic
By Patrick Bergemann and Christof Brandtner in American Journal of Sociology. Published September 13, 2024.
Meaningful work through craft: how workers in low-skilled roles engage in anomalous craft to gain autonomy and receive recognition
By Marjolaine Rostain and Jean Clarke in Organization Studies. Published October 16, 2024.
Between humans and machines: The social construction of the generative AI category
By Jaekyung Ha in Organization Theory. Published October 5, 2024.
Organizations as carriers of status and class dynamics: A historical ethnography of the emergence of Bordeaux’s cork aristocracy
By Grégoire Croidieu in Research in the Sociology of Organizations. Published September 23, 2024.
Organizations as drivers of social and systemic integration: Contradiction and reconciliation through loose demographic coupling and community anchoring
By Christof Brandtner in Research in the Sociology of Organizations. Published September 23, 2024.
Green in their own way: Pragmatic and progressive means for cities to overcome institutional barriers to sustainability
By former STORM affiliate Ana Gonzalez and Christof Brandtner in Urban Studies. Published April 23, 2024.
Autonomy as a Strategic Dial: A Dynamic Framework for Managing Acquired Subsidiaries
By Brice Dattée and Jean-Luc Arrègle in California Management Review Published first online 19 March, 2024.
Your Ancestors Worked Hard for this Legitimacy! Theory and Experiment on the Inauthenticity of Second Movers
By Jae Ha in Organization Science Published first online 21 February, 2024.
Maintaining the Meritocracy Myth: A critical discourse analytic study of leaders’ talk about merit and gender in academia
By Jean Clarke in Organization Studies Published first online 24 February, 2024.
To commercialize inside or outside of the firm: Behavioral considerations in patent exploitation by family firms
By Addis Birhanu in Strategic Management Journal Published first online 7 December, 2023.
A framework to centre justice in energy transition innovations
By Christof Brandtner in Nature Energy Published first online 21 September, 2023.
You Say Social Agenda, I Say My Job: Navigating Moral Ambiguities by Frontline Workers in a Social Enterprise
By Tao Wang in Journal of Business Ethics Published first online 13 September, 2023.
From iron cage to glass house: Repurposing of bureaucratic management and the turn to openness
By Christof Brandtner in Organization Studies Published 4 September, 2023.
“We made a mistake”: How top executives dialectically narrate strategic errors in situations of strategic change
By Damon Golsorkhi in Strategic Organization Published 18 August, 2023.
From low-hanging fruit to high-impact sustainability transformations: unpacking dynamics of intra- and interorganizational capability traps
By Jeroen Struben in System Dynamics Review Published 13 August, 2023.
The paradox of supplier development in technology-based luxury supply chains
By Brice Dattée in International Journal of Operations & Production Management Published first online 9 August, 2023.
Rising Every Time We Fall: Organizational Fortitude and Response to Adversities
By Celina Smith in Journal of Management. Published April, 2023.
Where Relational Commons Take Place: The City and its Social Infrastructure as Sites of Commoning
By Christof Brandtner in Journal of Business Ethics. Published March, 2023.
Green American City: Civic Capacity and the Distributed Adoption of Urban Innovations
By Christof Brandtner in American Journal of Sociology. Published November, 2022.
Serving Like an Organization: How Foodservice and Retail Workers Interpret Their Interactions With Customers
By Adam Storer in Work and Occupations Published first online 15 November, 2022.
Organizational Autonomy: A Review and Agenda for Future Research
By Jean-Luc Arregle, Brice Dattée, Michael A. Hitt and Donald Bergh in Journal of Management. Published online September 19, 2022.
The differential categorization of novel products by institutional actors across places: The case of e-cigarettes in the US and the UK
By Thinley Tharchen and Raghu Garud in Strategic Organization. Published online September 6, 2022.
Host Country Politics and Internationalization: A Meta-Analytic Review
By Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, Patricio Duran, Jean-Luc Arregle, and Marc van Essen in Journal of Management Studies. Published online July 26, 2022.
The Dynamics of Organizational Autonomy: Oscillations at Automobili Lamborghini
By Brice Dattée, Jean-Luc Arrègle, Paolo Barbieri, Thomas C. Lawton, and Duncan N. Angwin, Administrative Science Quarterly, published online April 15, 2022.
Gender Differences in Enterprise Performance During the COVID-19 Crisis: Do Public Policy Responses Matter?
By Addis G. Birhanu, Yamlaksira S. and Getachew, Addisu A. Lashitew, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, published online March 30, 2022.
Designing and Aligning Interprofessional Relations: Third-party ties and partnership formation in the silk industry of 18th-century Lyon
By Laura Dupin, Tao Wang, and Filippo Carlo Wezel in Organization Studies. Published online March 16, 2022.
Distinct but Not Apart? Stigma Reduction and Cross-Industry Evaluative Spillovers: The Case of Medical Marijuana Legalization
By Ana M. Aranda, Raffaele Conti and Filippo Carlo Wezel, Academy of Management Journal, published online 21 December 2021.
How counter-fate relational practices mitigate resource acquisition challenges during project nascence
By Célina Smith, Organization Studies, first published 19 December 2021.
Towards Measuring Innovation for Circular Economy Using Patent Data
By Dolores Modic, Alan Johnson, and Miha Vučkovič, in Research Handbook of Innovation for a Circular Economy. Published online December 9, 2021.
Family firm internationalization: Past research and an agenda for the future
By Jean-Luc Arregle,, Journal of International Business Studies, first published 14 June 2021.
A Matter of Transition: Authenticity Judgments and Attracting Employees to Hybridized Organizations
By Nevena Radoynovska, Organization Science, first published 05 November 2021.
What matters for interorganizational connectedness? Locating the drivers of multiplex corporate networks
By Olga Novoselova, Strategic Management Journal, first published 29 September 2021.
A Holistic Approach to the Evolution of an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: An Exploratory Study of Academic Spin-Offs
By Hooman Abootorabi, Johan Wiklund, Alan R. Johnson, and Cameron D. Miller in Journal of Business Venturing. Published online August 6, 2021.
Neoliberal governance, evaluations, and the rise of win–win ideology in corporate responsibility discourse, 1960–2010
By Christof Brandtner and Patricia Bromley, Socio-Economic Review, first published 22 July 2021.
Accountability infrastructures: Pragmatic compliance inside organizations
By Ruthanne Huising, and Susan S. Silbey, Regulation & Governance, first published 08 July 2021.
Book Review: The Power of Being Divisive: Understanding Negative Social Evaluations
By Bernard Forgues, Organization Studies, first published 28 May 2021.
Acquisition experience and director remuneration
By Addis Gedefaw Birhanu, PhilippGeiler, LucRenneboog, and YangZhao, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, first published 11 May 2021.
Categories, attention, and the impact of inventions
By Balázs Kovács, Gianluca Carnabuci, and Filippo Carlo Wezel, 2021, Strategic Management Journal, 42(5): 992–1023.
Role reconfiguration: what ethnographic studies tell us about the implications of technological change for work and collaboration in healthcare
By Heloise Agreli, Ruthanne Huising, and Marina Peduzzi, BMJ Leader, first published 28 April 2021.
The (COVID-19) pandemic and the new world (dis)order
By Michael A. Hitt, R. Michael Holmes Jr., and Jean-Luc Arregle, Journal of World Business, first published 6 March 2021.
Resisting Colonization: Worker Cooperatives’ Conceptualization and Behaviour in a Habermasian Perspective
By Frédéric Dufays, Noreen O’Shea, Benjamin Huybrechts, Work, Employment and Society, 34, no. 6 (December 2020): 965–84.
Learning Against the Wind: Diversity and Performance on the Ships of the Dutch East India Company
By Filippo Carlo Wezel and Martin Ruef, Strategy Science, first published 18 November, 2020.
Design as an interactive boundary object
Thinley Tharchen, Raghu Garud & Rebecca L. Henn, Journal of Organization Design, 9, 21 (2020).
Strategic Management Theory in a Post‐Pandemic and Non‐Ergodic World
By Michael A. Hitt,Jean-Luc Arregle, and R. Michael Holmes Jr., Journal of Management Studies, first published 04 October 2020.
Impact of informal institutions on the prevalence, strategy, and performance of family firms: A meta-analysis
Pascual Berrone, Patricio Duran, Luis Gómez-Mejía, Pursey P M A R Heugens, Tatiana Kostova & Marc van Essen, Journal of International Business Studies, first published 24 September 2020.
The coronavirus disease (COVID‐19) pandemic: simulation‐based assessment of outbreak responses and postpeak strategies
By Jeroen Struben, System Dynamics Review, first published 24 September 2020.
The competitive advantage of affiliation with business groups in the political environment: Evidence from the Arab Spring
By Addis Gedefaw Birhanu and Filippo Carlo Wezel, Strategic Organization, first published 14 September 2020.
Collective Action Problems and Resource Allocation During Market Formation
By Jeroen Struben, Brandon H. Lee, and Christopher B. Bingham, Strategy Science, first published 04 August 2020.
The Influence of Interorganizational Collaboration on Logic Conciliation and Tensions Within Hybrid Organizations: Insights from Social Enterprise–Corporate Collaborations
By Claudia Savarese, Benjamin Huybrechts and Marek Hudon, Journal of Business Ethics, first published 02 July 2020.
The construct of institutional distance through the lens of different institutional perspectives: Review, analysis, and recommendations
Tatiana Kostova, Sjoerd Beugelsdijk, W. Richard Scott, Vincent E. Kunst, Chei Hwee Chua, and Marc van Essen, Journal of International Business Studies, 51(4), 467-49.
The Hidden Paths of Category Research: Climbing new heights and slippery slopes
By Giuseppe Delmestri, Filippo Carlo Wezel, Elizabeth Goodrick, and Marvin Washington, Organization Studies, first published 11 June, 2020.
Towards a Democratic New Normal? Investor Reactions to Interim‐Regime Dominance during Violent Events
By Omar El Nayal, Arjen Slangen, J. (Hans) van Oosterhout, and Marc van Essen, Journal of Management Studies, 57(3), 505-536.
Managing Technological, Sociopolitical, and Institutional Change in the New Normal
By Jean-Luc Arregle,, Journal of Management Studies, first published 08 February 2020.
Committed Diversification: Why Authenticity Insulates Against Penalties for Diversification
By Oliver Hahl and Jaekyung Ha, Organization Science, first published 2 Oct 2019.
Gesture Analysis and Organizational Research: The Development and Application of a Protocol for Naturalistic Settings
By Jean S. Clarke, Nicholas Llewellyn, Joep Cornelissen, and Rowena Viney, Organizational Research Methods, first published September 26, 2019.
Employing finance in pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals: The promise and perils of catastrophe bonds
By Dror Etzion, Emmanuel Kypraios and Bernard Forgues, Academy of Management Discoveries, 5(4): 530-554, 2019.
Industry Clusters and Organizational Prototypes: Evidence From the Franconian Brewing Industry
By Nikolaus Beck, Anand Swaminathan, James B. Wade, Filippo Carlo Wezel, Journal of Management, 45(7): 2978–3008.
Ties That Bind and Grind? Investor Reactions to Politician Appointments to Corporate Boards
By Omar El Nayal, J. (Hans) van Oosterhout, and Marc van Essen, Journal of Management, first published August 20, 2019.
Moving off the Map: How Knowledge of Organizational Operations Empowers and Alienates
By Ruthanne Huising, Organization Science, 30(5): 1054-1075.
Institutions, resources, and strategic orientations: A meta-analysis
By Li Peng, Yuan Li, Marc van Essen, and Mike W. Peng, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, first published 12 June 2019.
Strategic CSR: A Concept Building Meta‐Analysis
By Pushpika Vishwanathan, Hans (J.) van Oosterhout, Pursey P. M. A. R. Heugens, Patricio Duran, and Marc van Essen, Journal of Management Studies, first published 21 May 2019.
To Whom Are You True? Audience Perceptions of Authenticity in Nascent Crowdfunding Ventures
By Nevena Radoynovska and Brayden G. King, Organization Science, first published 13 May 2019.
Understanding the Diverse Scaling Strategies of Social Enterprises as Hybrid Organizations: The Case of Renewable Energy Cooperatives
By Thomas Bauwens, Benjamin Huybrechts and Frédéric Dufays, Organization & Environment, first published 20 March 2019.
A Missing Link in Family Firms’ Internationalization Research: Family Structures
By Jean-Luc Arregle, Michael A. Hitt and Isabelle Mari, Journal of International Business Studies, first published 24 January 2019.
State Ownership and Political Connections
By Laszlo Tihanyi, Ruth V. Aguilera, Pursey Heugens, Marc van Essen, Steve Sauerwald, Patricio Duran and Roxana Turturea, Journal of Management, first published 22 January 2019.
Does State Ownership Hurt or Help Minority Shareholders? International Evidence from Control Block Acquisitions
By Pursey P.M.A.R. Heugens, Steve Sauerwald, Roxana Turturea and Marc van Essen, Global Strategy Journal, first published 08 January 2019.
The role of MNEs’ internationalization patterns in their regional integration of FDI locations
By Jean-Luc Arregle, Toyah L. Miller, Michael A. Hitt, Paul W. Beamish, Journal of World Business, 53(6): 896-910.
The Logic of Tact: How Decisions Happen in Situations of Crisis
By Martin Kornberger, Stephan Leixnering, and Renate E. Meyer, Organization Studies, 40(2): 239-266.
The Impact of Stakeholders’ Temporal Orientation on Short- and Long-Term IPO Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis
By Peter-Jan Engelen, Pursey Heugens, Marc van Essen, Roxana Turturea and Nick Bailey, Long Range Planning, first published 26 October 2018.
Are all Private Benefits of Control Ineffective? Principal‐Principal Benefits, External Governance Quality, and Firm Performance
By Steve Sauerwald, Pursey P.M.A.R. Heugens, Roxana Turturea and Marc van Essen, Journal of Management Studies, first published 19 October 2018.
“Can a Girl’s Best Friend be Born in a Lab?” The Role of Ritual in Production Process Conservatism
By Jaekyung Ha, Renée Gosline, Ezra Zuckerman Sivan, Advances in Group Processes, 35:1-27.
From Nudge to Culture and Back Again: Coalface Governance in the Regulated Organization
By Ruthanne Huising and Susan S. Silbey, Annual Review of Law and Social Science, 14: 91-114.
Ownership similarity in mergers and acquisitions target selection
Emanuele L. M. Bettinazzi, Danny Miller, Mario Daniele Amore, and Guido Carbetta. 2018. Strategic Organization. First published 24 September 2018:
Working within Discretionary Boundaries: Allocative Rules, Exceptions, and the Micro-Foundations of Inequ(al)ity
By Nevena Radoynovska, Organization Studies, 39(9): 1277–1298.
Les effets combinés de la culture organisationnelle et de la culture industrielle sur l’orientation entrepreneuriale
By Marjolaine Rostain and Alain Fayolle. 2018. Les effets combinés de la culture organisationnelle et de la culture industrielle sur l’orientation entrepreneuriale. In: Altintas G., and Kustosz I., (eds) Les dynamiques organisationnelles de l’entrepreneuriat. Caen: Editions EMS, 83-110.
Co-working Spaces, Collaborative Practices and Entrepreneurship
By Nathalie Mitev, François-Xavier de Vaujany, Pierre Laniray, Amélie Bohas, and Julie Fabbri, in K. Riemer, S. Schellhammer, and M. Meinert (eds) Collaboration in the Digital Age: How Technology Enables Individuals, Teams and Businesses, first published 20 July 2018.
The career-horizon problem in capital investments for lone-founder and long-tenure acquirer CEOs in their final career stage
By Chittima Silberzahn and Jean-Luc Arrègle (2019), Strategic Organization, 17(3): 334-362, first published 19 July 2018.
Actions Speak Louder than Words: How Figurative Language and Gesturing in Entrepreneurial Pitches Influences Investment Judgments
By Jean Clarke, Joep Paul Cornelissen, and Mark Healey. 2018. Academy of Management Journal, 62(2): 335-360. First published 3 July 2018.
A suitable boy? Gendered roles and hierarchies in family business succession
By Janice Byrne, Salma Fattoum and Sarah Thébaud, European Management Review, first published 5 June 2018.
The impact of institutions on the competitive advantage of publicly listed family firms in emerging markets
By Patricio Duran, Marc van Essen, Pursey P. M. A. R. Heugens, Tatiana Kostova and Mike W. Peng, Global Strategy Journal, first published 01 May 2018.
Supply constraints and waitlists in new product diffusion
By David R. Keith, John D. Sterman, and Jeroen Struben, System Dynamics Review, first published 14 April 2018.
Kant in pyjamas: Keeping a compass in a changing academic world
By Bernard Forgues, M@n@gement, 21(4):1440-1451.
Poisedness for social innovation: The genesis and propagation of community-based palliative care in Kerala (India)
By Devi Vijay et Philippe Monin, M@n@gement, 21(4): 1329-1356.
Role Models and Women Entrepreneurs: Entrepreneurial Superwoman Has Her Say
By Janice Byrne, Salma Fattoum and Maria Cristina Diaz Garcia, Journal of Small Business Management, first published 27 February 2018.
Heterogeneity of Political Connections and Outward Foreign Direct Investment
By Ziliang Deng, Jiayan Yan and Marc van Essen, International Business Review, first published 21 February 2018.
Which Firms Get Punished for Unethical Behavior? Explaining Variation in Stock Market Reactions to Corporate Misconduct
By Edward J. Carberry, Peter-Jan Engelen and Marc van Essen, Business Ethics Quarterly, first published 19 February 2018.
Making Meaning from Multimodality: Embodied Communication in a Business Pitch Setting
By Rowena Viney, Jean Clarke and Joep Cornelissen. 2017. The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Business and Management Research Methods: Methods and Challenges, (Cassell, Cunliffe & Grandy Eds), Sage, Vol. 2: 298-312.
Corporate Governance in China: A Meta-Analysis
By Canan C. Mutlu, Marc van Essen, Mike W. Peng, Sabrina F. Saleh and Patricio Duran, Journal of Management Studies, first published 27 December 2017.
The Role of Materially Heterogeneous Entities in the Entrepreneurial Network
By Wadid Lamine, Alain Fayolle, Sarah Jack and Janice Byrne, Industrial Marketing Management, first published 26 December 2017.
Business Groups Reconsidered: Beyond Paragons and Parasites
By Michael Carney, Saul Estrin, Marc van Essen and Daniel Shapiro, Academy of Management Perspectives, first published 8 December 2017.
Message in a Bottle: Multiple Modes and Multiple Media in Market Identity Claims
By Bernard Forgues, and Tristan May. 2017. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 54B (Multimodality, Meaning, and Institutions): 179-202.
Cru, Glue, and Status: How Wine Labels Helped Ennoble Bordeaux
By Grégoire Croidieu, Birthe Soppe, and Walter W. Powell. 2017. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 54B (Multimodality, Meaning, and Institutions): 37-69.
How can new players establish themselves in highly institutionalized labour markets? A Belgian case study in the area of project-based work
By Virginie Xhauflair, Benjamin Huybrechts, and François Pichault. 2017. British Journal of Industrial Relations, first published 9 November 2017.
Rethinking the Sharing Economy: The Nature and Organization of Sharing in the 2015 Refugee Crisis
By Martin Kornberger, Stephan Leixnering, Renate Meyer and Markus Höllerer, Academy of Management Discoveries, 4(3): 314-335.
Collective Action and Market Formation: An Integrative Framework
By Brandon H. Lee, Jeroen Struben, and Christopher B. Bingham. 2018. Strategic Management Journal, 39(1): 242-266.
Cultural Distance and Firm Internationalization: A Meta-Analytical Review and Theoretical Implications
By Sjoerd Beugelsdijk, Tatiana Kostova, Vincent E. Kunst, Ettore Spadafora, Marc van Essen. Journal of Management, 44(1): 89-130.
Professional Emergence and Boundary Work in the Italian Wine Industry: ‘Nella botte piccola c’è il vino buono’
By Marco Bottura, Raffaele Corrado, Bernard Forgues, and Vincenza Odorici. 2017. New Themes in Institutional Analysis, (Krücken, Mazza, Meyer, & Walgenbach Eds), Elgar, 253-281.
Sacred Alliance or Pact With the Devil? How and Why Social Enterprises Collaborate with Mainstream Businesses in the Fair Trade Sector
By Benjamin Huybrechts, Alex Nicholls and Katharina Edinger. 2017. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 29(7/8): 586-608.
The Roles of Networks in Institutionalizing New Hybrid Organizational Forms: Insights from the European Renewable Energy Cooperative Network
By Benjamin Huybrechts and Helen Haugh. 2018. Organization Studies, 39(8): 1085-1108.
Family Firms, Internationalization, and National Competitiveness: Does Family Firm Prevalence Matter?
By Michael Carney, Patricio Duran, Marc van Essen, and Daniel Shapiro. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 8(3): 123-136.
Agents with Principles: The Control of Labor in the Dutch East India Company, 1700 to 1796
By Filippo Carlo Wezel and Martin Ruef, American Sociological Review, 82(5): 1009-1036.
Stakeholder Orientation and Acquisition Performance
By Emanuele Bettinazzi and Maurizio Zollo, Strategic Management Journal, 38(12): 2465-2485.
Complex Field-Positions and Non-Imitation: Pioneers, Strangers, and Insulars in Australian Fine-Wine
By Grégoire Croidieu, Charles-Clemens Rüling, Bilal-Ahmed Jathol. 2017. M@n@gement, 20(2): 129-165.
Evaluative Infrastructures: Accounting for Platform Organization
By Martin Kornberger, Dane Pflueger, and Jan Mouritsen, Accounting, Organizations and Society, 60: 79-95.
Imagery of Ad-Venture: Understanding Entrepreneurial Identity through Metaphor and Drawing
By Jean Clarke and Robin Holt, Journal of Business Venturing, 32(5): 476-497.
Convex Drops in Technological Substitutions
By Brice Dattée, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 45: 54-73.
Grown Local: Community Attachment and Market Entries in the Franconian Beer Industry
By Margarita Cruz, Nikolaus Beck, and Filippo Carlo Wezel, Organization Studies, 39(1): 47-72.
It’s Been a Hard Day’s Night: Work Family Interface and Employee Engagement
By Janice Byrne, and Anna Canato. 2017. Organizational Dynamics, 46(2): 104-112.
Maneuvering in Poor Visibility: How Firms Play the Ecosystem Game when Uncertainty is High
By Brice Dattée, Oliver Alexy, and Erkko Autio, Academy of Management Journal, 61(2): 466-498.
Multilevel Organizational Adaptation: Scale Invariance in the Scottish Healthcare System
By Brice Dattée, and James Barlow. 2017. Organization Science, 28(2): 301-319.
Performativity as Ongoing Journeys: Implications for Strategy, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation
By Raghu Garud, Joel Gehman, and Thinley Tharchen, Long Range Planning, 51(3): 500-509.
Entrepreneur et organisation
By Marjolaine Rostain and Alain Fayolle. 2017. Entrepreneur et organisation. In: Tiran A., and Uzinidis D., (eds) Dictionnaire économique de l'entrepreneur. Paris: Classiques Garnier, 273-277.
The Values of Strategy: Valuation Practices, Rivalry and Strategic Agency
By Martin Kornberger, Organization Studies, 38(12): 1753-1773.
Labor of Love: Amateurs and Lay-expertise Legitimation in the Early U.S. Radio Field
By Grégoire Croidieu, and Phillip H. Kim, Administrative Science Quarterly, 63(1): 1-42.
When Bureaucracy Meets the Crowd: Studying “Open Government” in the Vienna City Administration
By Martin Kornberger, Renate E. Meyer, Christof Brandtner, and Markus Höllerer. 2017. Organization Studies, 38(2): 179-200.
The Credibility of Social Climbing: When Does Inter-Firm Mobility [Not] Influence Organizational Status?
By Nathan Betancourt and Filippo Carlo Wezel. 2016. Organization Science, 27(6): 1435-1452.
Business Group Prevalence and Impact Across Countries and Over Time: What Can We Learn from the Literature?
By Michael Carney, Marc Van Essen, Saul Estrin, Daniel Shapiro. 2017. Multinational Business Review, 25(1): 52-76.
“Place as Spatio-Temporal Events”: Empirical Evidence from Everyday Life in a Coworking Space
By Julie Fabbri. 2016. M@n@gement, 19(4): 353-361.
Toward a Comprehensive Model of Organizational Evolution: Dynamic Capabilities for Innovation and Adaptation of the Enterprise Model
By Maurizio Zollo, Emanuele L. M. Bettinazzi, Kerstin Neumann, and Peter Snoeren. 2016. Global Strategy Journal, 6(3): 225-244.
Why Is Family Firms' Internationalization Unique? A Meta‐Analysis
By Jean‐Luc Arrègle, Patricio Duran, Michael A. Hitt, and Marc van Essen. 2017. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 41(5): 801-831.
How Does Regional Institutional Complexity Affect MNE Internationalization?
By Jean‐Luc Arrègle, Toyah L Miller, Michael A Hitt, and Paul W Beamish .2016. Journal of International Business Studies, 47(6): 697-722.
Political Ideologies and the Internationalization of Family-Controlled Firms
By Patricio Duran, Tatiana Kostova, and Marc van Essen. 2017. Journal of World Business, 52(4): 474-488.
Responding from that Vantage Point: Field Position and Discursive Strategies of Legitimation in the U.S. Wireless Telegraphy Field
By Phillip H. Kim, Grégoire Croidieu, and Stephen Lippmann. 2017. Organization Studies, 37(10): 1417-1450.
TMI: Signaling Credible Claims in Crowdfunding Campaign Narratives
By Phillip H. Kim, Mickaël Buffart, and Grégoire Croidieu. 2016. Group & Organization Management, 41(6): 717-750.
The Performative Puzzle: How Institutions Matter in Marginalizing and Reconstituting Identities
By Raghu Garud and Thinley Tharchen. 2016. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 48B (How Institutions Matter): 235-260.
From Adapting Practices to Inhabiting Ideas: How Managers Restructure Work across Organizations
By Ruthanne Huising. 2016. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 47(The Structuring of Work in Organizations): 383-413.
Explaining the Selection of Routines for Change during Organizational Search
By Amit Nigam, Ruthanne Huising, and Brian Golden. 2016. Administrative Science Quarterly, 61(4): 551-583.
The Visible Hand and the Crowd: Analyzing Organization Design in Distributed Innovation Systems
By Martin Kornberger. 2017. Strategic Organization, 15(2): 174-193.
Training Corporate Entrepreneurs: An Action Learning Approach
By Janice Byrne, Frédéric Delmar, Alain Fayolle, and Wadid Lamine. 2016. Small Business Economics, 47(2): 479-506.
The Way to the Top: Career Patterns of Fortune 100 CEOs
By Michael Koch, Bernard Forgues, and Vanessa Montiès. 2017. Human Resource Management, 56(2): 267-285.
Doing More with Less: Innovation Input and Output in Family Firms
By Patricio Duran, Nadine Kammerlander, Marc van Essen, and Thomas Zellweger. 2016. Academy of Management Journal, 59(4): 1224-1264.